How to Help Your Child Develop a Healthy Body Image


Body image is learned behavior. It is learned from our society, family and peers and stays with us throughout our lives. It is difficult for a child to transform a negative body image to one that is positive later in life. Teaching our children healthy body images is one of the most important things parents can do.

Society's impact on body image

This is where entertainment and fashion industries are the benchmarks. Are fashion models realistically proportioned? NO! They fit a very narrow group of people, those with hourglass figures. Even though the average size of female models is 12-14, most are between 4-8 and 8 inches. These girls are probably very underweight. Comparing ourselves to these girls will make us feel like fat blimps.

Your children should be taught that only 5% of people can achieve this ideal. It is based upon the hourglass figure. It would be impossible for anyone to achieve these proportions, and it would also make them extremely unhealthy. It's a good idea for your child to identify their body type when they are in their teens. You might be able to help your child calculate their BMI using an online calculator. Be aware that BMI classifications for children under 18 years old are slightly different. Your family physician should be consulted if you suspect your child is overweight.

Peers' influence on body image

Children are very dependent on the approval of their peers and are highly impressionable. Children take the criticisms of their peers as a sign that they are ugly, fat, or otherwise unattractive. Children don't yet have the maturity or knowledge to know what a healthy weight is. Add to that the fact that children are often cruel and have not learned how to treat others with respect. These are all factors that can lead to children receiving very negative messages about their bodies at a time they need affirmations.

Family and body image

Although the majority of blame for body image problems can be attributed to the entertainment and fashion industries, children's perceptions at home can have a detrimental effect. Children hear negative comments about their bodies and believe them. We are their parents, so they can trust us. Our opinions are used by children to form their own ideas about the appropriate size of body. The more negative you are, the more they will learn to be. This applies to all parts of the body. It includes our bottoms, thighs and love handles. Children learn from this.

The same effect is achieved by constantly talking about being on a diet or trying to lose weight. Consider 'diet' a four-letter word. This is how children learn. They have no control over the inaccurate perceptions of others. It can be very damaging to their body image if they don't have an educated understanding of the best body size.

As they enter their teenage years, when they begin to take charge of their lives and become independent, it is crucial to teach children about their bodies. How can we help them develop a healthy body image?

Here are some tips:

Do not make negative comments about your body to your child even if they aren't there.

Change negative comments to something positive. Even if you are only trying to lose a little weight, don't mention that you're trying to lose weight.

Do not make negative comments about their bodies like "gosh, you're getting too chubby" because their peers will be making similar comments. This will only reinforce a negative body image.

Your child should understand that society's unrealistic ideal focuses on one type of body when there are many. Show them the different body types. It is impossible to conform to society's unrealistic ideal. This can make it extremely dangerous for them if they don't have the body type.

Your child should understand that peers just share what they see in fashion and entertainment when they make disparaging comments about each other's bodies.

Do not tell them they have to lose weight. Instead, substitute healthy snacks like fruit for high-energy, high-fat, and high-sugar foods naturaliscbduk

The most important thing is to affirm their physical appearance.


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